Afterword, 2016, acrylic on panel, 10 x 8 inches

Battlefield (SOLD), 2016, acrylic and oil on panel, 36 1/4 x 45 inches

Divination, 2016, acrylic on canvas, 50 x 40 inches

Gratuity (SOLD), 2016, acrylic on panel, 10 x 8 inches

Lincolnville Ornate, 2016, acrylic on panel, 20 x 16 inches

Little Astronomy, 2016, acrylic on panel, 10 x 8 inches

Portent (SOLD), 2016, acrylic on panel, 10 x 8 inches

Sight and Sound, 2016, acrylic on panel, 16 x 22 inches

Stories from Five Decades (SOLD), 2016, acrylic on panel, 10 x 8 inches

Strands, 2016, acrylic on panel, 10 x 8 inches

The Long Distance Friendships, 2016, acrylic on panel, 10 x 8 inches

The Museum of Childhood, 2016, acrylic and oil on panel, 10 x 8 inches

The Winter Months, 2016, acrylic and oil on panel, 40 1/4 x 32 1/4 x 2 inches

This Half Century: Matinicus, 2016, acrylic on panel, 10 x 8 inches

Winter Count, 2016, acrylic on panel, 10 x 8 inches

Amulet (SOLD), 2015, acrylic on panel, 36 1/4 x 45 inches

Earthbound Firmament (SOLD), 2015, acrylic on canvas, 64 x 80 inches

Shoal (SOLD), 2015, acrylic on canvas, 64 x 80 inches

The Twelve Sons (SOLD), 2015, acrylic on canvas, 40 x 50 inches

Surround (for Barry), 2015, acrylic on canvas, 43 x 64 inches

The Hurlers, 2015, acrylic on canvas, 40 x 50 inches

A Tactile Alphabet (SOLD), 2015, acrylic on canvas, 64 x 80 inches